Ich Dien is from the German language which means "I Serve." Nursing profession is a calling to serve humanity. Serving other people without expecting anything in return. As registered nurses, we devote ourselves to promote health for the betterment of everyone and to give efficient health care to those committed to us regardless of their status in life. We are instruments to preserve and save lives. We live to serve. Batch Ich Dien 2006 of NDDU for world, the people and the future.
Yes folks you've heard it right. Ich Dien 2006 internet prominence is becoming "bigger & better" as another on-line community has been launched by this batch. The man behind this newly established Ich Dien Forum is the ever energetic internet savvy, Mr. Gene Demos.
In the email that Mr. Demos had sent me, his inviting our batch members to register in this free site and share our views and opinions regarding nursing issues. The site will also be a center of exchanging information for all of us who wants to go abroad where we can share information regarding the step by step application guide to any country.
So behold and let your fingertips unleash the latest Ich Dien innovation at: http://ichdien.forumotion.net